Progress Report: July 2022

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tags: updates

Active Projects

Other Updates > view in git

Script for journal management. This is already doing well from a feature point of view and I'm trialing it with a friend. The goal is to make daily journal writing have just a little less friction, while also supporting review over time. This script isn't anything incredibly special, but it was a fun detour and meets its intended purpose.

journal.nvim > view in git

The first Neovim plugin (... and Vim in general) plugin I've ever written. This one is just barely getting started, but I have a small list of planned features and a rough idea of how to achieve them. The goal for now is a working plugin that I can use for some very minor efficiency bonus.

meager-markdown > view in git

Writing these posts without a static site generator can be frustrating, though manageable if I write directly in HTML rather than drafting Markdown. Step one to solving this problem is implementing a Markdown conversion library, because I love the idea of my own stack (yes, I know these tools already exist). > view in git

This website has received quite a lot of refinement this month, hopefully for the better. By request I supported a dark mode, and have generally tried to improve the coloring and consistency. At this point it feels "stable", in that I'll likely stick to minor tweaks (and perhaps some font changes) for the next month or so.

Minor Updates

I made several refinements to my dotfiles after writing my blog post on conversion to Lua as I started writing new code. I added a basic script for updating shellcheck and adopted shellcheck into my scripting workflow. I updated my scalafmt configuration and Scala projects in some basic ways.


My friend abraxas discussed journaling with me this month. I haven't revisited this topic in a long time, because I've never found a way to make it really click for me even though I like the idea. After talking with him, I've found the motivation to try keeping a daily journal starting on August 01. After one month of journaling I intend to share my thoughts on the process, what I have learned, and so on.


This month I setup #meager on I do not use social media (though perhaps this now counts) and don't have any other good public contact mechanisms. I intend this channel to be used for software development chatter and questions related to meager software development. My nick is pgfm and I am the sole operator of the channel at this time.