Progress Report: June 2022

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id: 8b52bdd2-aa54-459c-9c6c-1296d66e1bce
tags: updates

Active Projects

meager-test view in git

This library is not yet functional and I've been working towards MVP. I've currently made some decisions about how tests will be represented and the basic structure/organization of tests. I have an engine that's largely complete and have started working on reporting. Result collection is also complete, though analysis (and decisions like aborting a suite) needs to be done.

meager-datagen view in git

I've completed the core of the library and have something that's straightforward and composable. I need to implement more tests. I also need to add support for temporal types like dates, times, instants, etc.

meager-pre-commit-scala view in git

This is a tiny utility which is just a pre-commit implementation for scalafmt based on coursier. I was getting frustrated having to run it manually... and forgetting to do so frequently.

dotfiles view in git

Updated my nvim-metals configuration to be a bit better, updated some key bindings, added metals to my status line, that sort of thing.